The mission of St. Alban’s Memorial School is to encourage and nurture academic, spiritual, physical and social growth in a Christian environment.


St. Alban’s Memorial School is located at 30th and Waco Drive in a newly remodeled building adjacent to St. Alban’s Episcopal Church. Phone 254.756.4841

St. Alban’s admits students without regard to race, religion, or national origin. Children entering 3, 4 or 5 year old programs or first grade should have observed their respective birthday on or before September 15th of the year in which they enter school. Placement in St. Alban’s School is determined by the Director. New students take an entrance exam prior to admission, or shortly thereafter. All new students must furnish St. Alban’s with a copy of their birth certificate, a current immunization record, copy of Social Security card, the entrance application, and appropriate fees. Early registration is recommended. When classes reach maximum enrollment, a waiting list is started. Tuition assistance, when available, is based on need.


The fall enrollment fee and first month’s tuition are due by August 15. Spring enrollment fee is due by January 15. Tuition is billed monthly and is due by the 15th of the month. Parents also have the option to pay a semester’s tuition or the entire annual tuition. Bills must be kept current monthly or financial arrangements must be made for the child to remain in school.

The teacher-pupil ratio is one teacher to sixteen students. Small class size allows for special attention to gifted and talented students and all other students who need additional help. Small groups also ensure that each child receives close attention in a warm, nurturing environment.

The preschool curriculum features a balance between the development of language, social and perceptual/motor skills with dramatic play, art, creative movement, music, nature studies and field trips. This program is an activity-oriented program. Students participate in chapel services and in the observance of religious holidays.

The kindergarten program stresses language readiness, social skills, and includes emphasis on phonics, reading, and mathematical readiness. Hands-on activities, using manipulatives are an integral part of the instruction.

In grades 1-6 our academic program emphasizes the basic tools of learning – reading, writing, mathematics. The curriculum is varied, rich in music, physical education/health, art, Spanish, computer, and library. Exploration of social studies, current events, geography, and science encourages awareness of the world in which we live. Students participate in the Private Schools Interscholastic Association competition.

The language arts program focuses on reading for comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary development, enhanced by independent and recreational reading and process writing. Grammar and creative writing are important facets of the curriculum. Major emphasis is placed on reading strategies, comprehension, phonics, word attack skills, and spelling. Research skills in the use of the dictionary and encyclopedia, and map and graph reading are taught. The Junior Great Books Reading Program is included in the curriculum.

Our program for grades K-6 is Saxon Math. This program enables all children to develop a solid foundation in the language and basic concepts of all areas of mathematics. Saxon uses a spiraling method, in which new learning is presented in increments and concepts built on prior learning. Students use manipulatives, engage in discussions, and work in cooperative groups. Emphasis is placed on the mastery of mathematical concepts, computation, and problem solving.


The science curriculum includes physical and life sciences with study focusing on scientific method and evaluation. Students participate in an on-campus science fair and the Regional Science Fair at Baylor. Science-related field trips provide enrichment throughout the year. The history curriculum includes Texas, U.S. and World History and Geography. Grades 5 and 6 students participate in the History Fair at Baylor. Hands-on experiences enhance learning in science and history.


Our networked Macintosh computer lab is equipped with software and instructional materials correlated to all areas of the curriculum and age-appropriate for students in Pre-K 4-Grade 6. Students also have access to the internet for research and instructional purposes.


The Spanish program provides a setting for the students to master listening/comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills and to become familiar with different Spanish customs and cultures.


Art instruction enhances the regular curriculum. Students explore artistic expression through media, Art history and aesthetics.


All levels of the music program incorporate the essential elements of singing, listening/moving to music, and playing instruments. The 4th, 5th, and 6th grades study about the Symphony Orchestra and beginning music theory. An important part of the music experience is the process of working toward music performances throughout the year.


The librarian provides library instruction and supervises the Accelerated Reader Program. The school has a spacious, well-equipped library for research and reading, consisting of picture books, novels, reference books, video tapes, and magazines.


The physical education program at St. Alban’s provides activities that promote the child’s physical, educational, emotional, and social well-being. Each year the students participate in the American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart; compete with other parochial schools in volleyball, flag football, softball, and basketball; participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness Test; and in an annual Field Day.


The extended day-care program includes before and after-school hours from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


St. Alban’s School has a very active and supportive PTO. Parents participate as volunteers in car pooling for field trips, fund-raising, reading to students, substituting, chaperoning, and supporting the teachers and students in other projects.


We believe that God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the foundation of all wisdom and the source of all truth for those who teach and those who learn; that St. Alban’s Memorial School exists by the grace of God as a secure and lively center for sound learning, new discovery and the pursuit of wisdom in an ever-changing and challenging world; that each child is born with a spirit of love; that this spirit is nurtured by education; that education is achieved by the application of calm strength and Patient wisdom; and that calm strength and patient wisdom teach the love of whatever is just and true.


St. Alban’s Memorial School was founded in 1947 by The Reverend Charles Higgins, the first rector of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church. The School was established under the auspices of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Texas. St. Alban’s encourages creative, spiritual, social, emotional, and intellectual growth in a variety of settings in order to address the broad range of human development. A sound elementary education in a Christian environment prepares students to assume their responsibilities as citizens of the world, and a challenging educational program centered on the “whole child” supplies the spiritual framework which cultivates responsibility, respect for diversity, and zest for learning. With classes of limited size, the school’s environment fosters self-motivation, service to others, and mutual respect, providing children with skills that empower them to become independent thinkers and learners. Dignity, self-esteem, and self-discipline are nurtured through the sharing and modeling of the Christian story. From pre-kindergarten through grade 6, St. Alban’s emphasizes the skills and habits that promote academic excellence, focusing on the individual needs of each student and recognizing that the primary purpose of St. Alban’s is education. Blessed to “be a blessing”, students leave St. Alban’s well prepared to continue their academic and social development. St. Alban’s Memorial School embraces Christian principles and welcomes a diverse student body from all religions, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds.

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